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Mark Llobrera

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Cover art forDéjà Vu

Déjà Vu

Jan 24, 2025

Wish fulfillment at so many levels: what if we could have prevented 9/11? What if I could go back in time and save a beautiful woman? I guess everyone needs to make their own version of Vertigo, eventually.

I thought the first 2/3rds of this worked much better than the end—everything after the ghost car chase scene (which absolutely rules) feels less exciting. The ending feels rushed, and (I made this joke already in my movie club) like they told Tony that he only had 5 more days of shooting before they pulled the plug.

I’m trying to figure out why the romance doesn’t work in this movie (I buy Denzel’s fascination in the early scenes but when they actually meet it gets run over by the need to wrap the movie)—and whether there’s a larger conversation to be had about why Denzel only infrequently plays a romantic lead. (Which, having recently seen Mississippi Masala, feels like a missed opportunity.)

Now at an age where I’m…nostalgic for the hallmarks of a Bruckheimer film? We used to be a real country, etc., etc.

(Watched as part of Criterion’s Déjà Vu collection.)