Tagged “technologys-betrayal”
Dealing with switch chatter on the Keychron Q2.
Replacing a dead TiVo hard drive.
Rumors of the iPhone Mini’s demise.
Debugging battery issues on my first-generation iPhone SE.
Don’t Forget to Validate Your HTML Markup
Validate to save a life.
MacOS Mojave Screen Recording and CloudApp
CloudApp hijacks the default screenshot behavior on MacOS Mojave.
Forcing a Field Group Sync with Advanced Custom Fields
Kicking WordPress ACF fields in the pants to force a sync.
Offline Development with Lando
Configuring Lando for offline work.
Playing Whac-a-Mole with Docker, lando, and my aging Macbook.
Apple Cinema Display (2004) to Macbook Pro (2016)
Daisy chaining to a vintage monitor.
A quirky Homebrew/PHP/Composer error.
Using homebrew to update PHP to version 7.1
Resolving a strange drush/terminus conflict on Pantheon.
PHP basics for my brain.
Cloning a Pantheon Multidev Environment
A two-step dance to duplicate a Pantheon multidev environment.
Drupal 7 Menus and the Node Symlinks Module
Using the Node Symlinks module in Drupal 7 to sort out menu priority.
Fixing VS Code’s Command-Line Utility
Remapping VS Code’s command line utility
Another venerable print magazine shifts to online-only.
The State of iBooks in Early 2017
Link to Michael E. Cohen’s report “The State of iBooks in Early 2017”.
My adventures in debugging Kalabox apps within VS Code.
Some observations on using the Fuji X100S as a manual-focus camera.
Getting Timezone-adjusted Dates using Entity Metadata Wrapper
Basically, don’t try and sidestep Entity Metadata Wrapper in the final mile.
Git core.filemode and unstaged changes
Letting git ignore permissions weirdness in your repo.
Removing a stubborn web service left behind from developing with Phidgets controllers.
When configuring SSH keys on a remote server, check those permissions!
WordPress Calypso and Markdown
A test post using the new WordPress desktop application, Calypso.
Progressively Enhancing Progressive Enhancement
Taking a second pass at a Lapham’s Quarterly feature.
Some programming wisdom from Lester Freamon of The Wire.
Deleting Ignored Files Mistakenly Committed to a Git Repo
How to rewrite commits to remove files from Git’s history by using
. -
A tip for my future self.
Import big MySQL files.