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Mark Llobrera

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Cover art forThe Outskirter's Secret

The Outskirter's Secret

Rosemary Kirstein

Started Reading
Feb 20, 2024
Finished Reading
Mar 05, 2024

Now we’re cookin’.1 This second volume of Rosemary Kirstein’s ongoing series finds our heroines Bel and Rowan ranging far from the Inner Lands into the Outskirts where Bel grew up. Along the way they encounter several Outskirter tribes—some friendly, some not.

The magicians of The Steerswoman are largely offstage, but that added to the sense of growing dread I experienced while reading it. Kirstein really has a sense for memorable characters, precise world-building, and how to orchestrate some jaw-dropping reveals. I can’t wait to dive into book three.

  1. Goat and redgrass with a small jug of erby, if you must know. ↩︎