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Mark Llobrera

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Matt Gemmell on GoodNotes

Matt Gemmell with some, uh, notes on GoodNotes:

GoodNotes does an alarmingly capable job of recognising handwriting. It also does it in a very unfussy way: you don’t have to tell it to do anything; it just recognises handwriting all the time, and updates its recognised text whenever you edit pages. There’s no separate view or special interface. You just write stuff, and then you can search for it later, complete with on-page highlighting. When you export a PDF, you also get the recognised text embedded in it, so it’s searchable and highlightable there too.

I’ve written about the iPad and handwriting recognition before. I am very curious to see what iPad/Pencil announcements show up in March—I use my iPad Mini Retina daily and I wish it supported the Pencil just so I could properly evaluate some of these apps. (My current stylus is a Pencil by FiftyThree, which I find good for sketching but terrible for writing notes.)

(via Ben Brooks)